Lib Dem chair increases consultations for King George's Park

Lib Dem Chair of the Community Committee Cllr Karen Chilvers has ensured that, in future, residents of Warley and Brentwood South will be consulted on matters in and around King George's Park.
She said:
"It's fair to say that 92% of King George's Park is in Warley, but it's not fair that that means that the 8% of the park that falls in to Brentwood South does not get consulted on park matters....and what's worse is that this is where the main residential parts are!
"There have been occasions on planning where Brentwood South councillors have been refused permission to speak even though their residents are directly affected."

"From now on, following a short discussion and the application of common sense, both wards will be consulted."
The next day, on a relevant matter, all six ward councillors covering the two wards were advised of an issue and asked for their opinion.