Lib Dem councillors demand highways clarity

Liberal Democrat councillors have called for the Conservative administration to come clean and tell residents whether key road improvement schemes, such as the much-needed improvements at Sandpit Lane and Devil's Head, will ever come to fruition.
The calls were made during a heated meeting of the council's Highways Panel when councillors were shocked to discover that previously agreed schemes, such as the introduction of speed cushions along the 81/82 bus route, had been deleted from this year's programme.
Cllr Barry Aspinell, Deputy Leader of the Lib Dem Group, said:
"We were told months, and sometimes years, ago that the improvements to these junctions would happen in the near future. In these difficult times, we need clear answers from the administration not just continually being told that it is "progressing". Our residents need honesty and an indication of when and if things will actually happen."
Other issues addressed during the meeting by the Liberal Democrats were:
- Asking officers to ensure Rollason Way restrictions were ready to go in as soon as the road is adopted.
- Concerns over the waiting restrictions at the Warley Hill shops (confirmed that these would not change)
- Why VAS signs have been installed when there is no power source?
- An update on the school crossing at the Green Dragon in Shenfield
- Why money was being spent on tree replacement when safer junctions are badly needed?
- What was happening with regards to enforcement in Crown Street.
- Why the panel was asked to agree a parking scheme in Shenfield where no resident issues had been identified, when more pressing restrictions are subject to an 18-24 month wait.
- Why the VAS sign in Doddinghurst Road was being put in a place where it was not needed.