Lib Dem councillors petition Highways Agency

Encouraging news was received by Cllr Karen Chilvers and Cllr David Kendall at their visit to the Highways Agency in Bedford last week to discuss the increase in noise experienced by those living adjacent to the A12 in the Homesteads. They took the opportunity to present the 100-signature petition and survey responses from local residents in the Homesteads area, which demonstrated the depth of feeling about the increased noise levels they are suffering following the raising of the road six years ago.
Cllr Karen Chilvers, Brentwood West, said:
"The Highways Agency officers admitted that they knew there was a problem and they needed to address it. They were also extremely concerned to hear that the level of noise had increased since the road was raised and have committed to investigate this further as this shouldn't have happened, for sure."
The stretch around Selwood Road has been officially identified as one of the top 1% problem areas in the country that fails to meet the EU Noise Directive and therefore action on this noise must be investigated. Unfortunately, mitigation measures are still likely to be 2-4 years away, as this is a national programme with around 1500 such areas identified.
It is hoped that bids will be approved in February 2011 and designs could be agreed in 2012/13. If funding is available and the scheme is a simple one, it could happen quicker than many others.
Karen added:
"We were also able to give them the latest readings from our council officers, which backed up what residents were saying. They acknowledged that this was clearly a problem that was affecting the majority of residents in the area, and not just a few gripes."
"Residents can be assured that we will continue to champion their cause until a solution is found."