Lib Dems against Fixed Penalty notices for litter

Brentwood's Liberal Democrat leader Cllr David Kendall spoke out against the proposal to consider introducing a Fixed Penalty Notice Warden team for litter in Brentwood at Wednesday's Environmental Panel meeting.
Brentwood Borough Council was considering the idea after other Councils across Essex have introduced or are in the process of introducing these powers.
Cllr Kendall said:
"I don't believe we need fixed penalty warden teams for litter in Brentwood. The whole idea smacks of "Big Brother" and it wouldn't be welcomed by our residents.
"The results from other areas would also suggest the schemes they have introduced are not producing the financial returns they expected. If we have any extra funds to combat the litter issues in our Borough then I believe they should be invested in our street cleaning operation".
After a full debate the proposal was thrown out by members of the Environment Panel.