Lib Dems call for an emergency council meeting

Lib Dem Leader Cllr David Kendall has called for an emergency full council meeting to be held as soon as possible to discuss what action is going to be taken following the recent decision on the town hall. His call for the council to be recalled instead of having it's normal summer break is unprecedented and highlights the serious concerns the Lib Dems have over the way the whole issue is being handled by the Tories running Brentwood Borough Council. Cllr Kendall says he has made the call for the following reasons:
1) Following the decision to save the town hall there is an urgent need for officers and members to start work now on delivering what was agreed.
2) There needs to be confirmation over who is going to chair the new "Town Hall Action Group". There also needs to be clear terms of reference for this group and clarity over who is going to serve on it.
3) Councillors need to decide if there is definitely a need for a Town Hall steering Group and a Town Hall Action Group.
4) Members need to be clear about how much money has been spent on the Town Hall project to date and what budget is now available to deliver what has been agreed.
Speaking about his call for an emergency meeting Cllr Kendall said " The Tories may be hopelessly spilt on this issue and be happy for things to drift, but someone now needs to show some leadership and get the show on the road to ensure that was has been agreed is now delivered. Two weeks has now passed since the decision was made and no one has a clue what is happening. Who is definitely going to chair the Town Hall Action group? What are it's terms of reference going to be?. I believe Brentwood residents deserve better. We need an urgent meeting to discuss these and many other issues as soon as possible and I now challenge the administration to listen and respond to our call in a positive manner.

Cllr David Kendall
Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group
Brentwood Borough Council
Mobile: 07768 667824 .