Lib Dems call for more time on Highwood Hospital application

Liberal Democrat councillors have called for the application for houses on the Highwood Hospital site to be deferred to the November meeting in order that residents can have their say and that councillors can be fully informed of the views of those they represent.
The application was deferred from the September meeting and, less than a week before the application is to be determined, new information is still being forwarded to the committee members.
Cllr Ross Carter, Brentwood North, said:
"This is a pivotal application for Brentwood in a key location within Brentwood North. Yet again officers have opted to give councillors only a few days notice to publicise the fact that the application will again be heard at the Planning Committee meeting on October 12th"

"Liberal Democrats know how important the application is to residents and wish to maximise opportunities for interested residents to attend the meeting. As a result, we have asked the Council to hear the application at the November meeting, to allow residents to work attendance into their busy schedules, facilitating maximum transparency, openness and involvement.
"If we are to be respected as a decision making body, the opportunity needs to be extended to residents to attend meetings with sufficient notice about the decisions which affect their area".