Lib Dems call for urgent review of Planning Protocol

Cllr David Kendall has called for an immediate process review of planning protocol at Brentwood Council following an incident at last night's Planning Committee.
An applicant, seeking planning permission in Coxtie Green, had already received a notice of decision, signed by the Council's Managing Director, before her application had been debated by the committee.
Liberal Democrat Councillors on the committee vociferously raised concerns with the Borough Solicitor regarding potential bias, poor treatment of an applicant and the reputation of the planning Department.
Cllr Kendall, Brentwood Lib Dem leader, commented:
"This situation is extremely worrying and we need to know what went wrong and how this erroneous decision notice was sent out to the resident concerned before a decision had been reached.
"As a result, the Liberal Democrat Group is calling for an urgent review of communication with residents and the procedures and checks that will prevent this type of situation occurring again.
"I have asked the council's most senior officer to investigate. Residents need to know that the system of governance in Brentwood is fair in relation to planning applications and the Liberal Democrat group will strive to ensure that this happens."