Lib Dems demand action on delivering a Brentwood Cycle Strategy

Lib Dem County councillors David Kendall and Barry Aspinell have called for more progress to be made on delivering a Brentwood Cycle Strategy.
Whilst they were pleased to see that work on a developing a strategy was finally going to proceed they questioned the projected cost of £25,000 and said that proper reference must first be made to work that had already been been done by Brentwood officers in the past on developing a strategy, they said that if this past work was properly considered it could potentially save a considerable amount of money which could then be used on other highways schemes across the Borough.
Officers at Brentwood have now managed to find the old Cycle Strategy document that was developed some ten years ago but was never progressed for a variety of reasons. We understand that this document will now be passed onto the County's Highways Dept.
Cllr David Kendall said:
"The Lib Dems have always wanted to see a proper cycle strategy implemented in Brentwood and we are pleased that following our call for action that something is finally going to be done. Both Barry and I remember the very comprehensive document that was put together by officers many years ago to address the needs of cyclists in Brentwood but for various reasons it was s not moved forward by the Tory administration, hopefully now we will see some progress".