Lib Dems move Brentwood Theatre grant forward

Brentwood Borough Council's decisions were left entirely in the hands of opposition councillors at the Town Hall last night…but only for a short time!
The situation arose when the Conservative group declared a prejudicial interest regarding funding for the Brentwood Theatre on account of one of their group being the theatre's manager. This meant that all Conservative councillors left the chamber for that one item during the Policy Board, leaving the Lib Dems, as the majority opposition group, in temporary control!
Leader of the Opposition, and former chair of the Policy Board, Cllr David Kendall was asked to take the chair. He presided over the committee that comprised only his Lib Dem colleague Cllr Karen Chilvers, Labour councillor David Minns and himself.
After discussing a number of options, the three unanimously agreed to give the theatre the final £80,000 from the Assizes Trust Fund to complete the refurbishment. This will see much improved facilities including a multi-purpose studio, meeting rooms and an improved café.
Cllr Kendall said:
"Anyone joining the web cast at that point may have thought a coup had taken place with the Liberal Democrats back in control of the Council again!
"I'm sad to say that, on this occasion it was only for about twenty minutes, but I am delighted that we were able to give Brentwood Theatre the funding they desperately need.
"I'm sure many people in Brentwood will look forward to visiting the theatre once it is completed."