Lib Dems take action on lack of temporary housing in Brentwood

Cllr Jay Laplain, having recently discovered when dealing with a homeless issue for one of his Warley residents, that we have no temporary emergency accomodation for our residents but that local hotels are booked en bloc by Chelmsford City Council for theirs, has tabled the following motion that will be seconded by Cllr Karen Chilvers:
"This Council resolves to identify land within the borough that is either owned by the Council or purchased by the Council for the provision of temporary and emergency accommodation for residents that are having to seek this type of accommodation and are finding themselves in various towns around the County. We find it disappoining that Chelmsford City Council have block-booked local hotels for an indefinite period to house their homeless tenants, yet we have to send ours out of the borough.
"This we believe, we should all agree is an unsatisfactory situation and we should be doing all we can to place our homeless within the borough."