Lib Dems want more facilities at Bishops Park
Pilgrims Hatch's Lib Dem councillors are working to try and put a stop to the vandalism at Bishops Hall Community Centre. Cllr David Kendall said:
"These two motions could go some way to reducing this problem. Firstly, the camera is self-evident in its requirement, linked with a dialogue and understanding with the Police and secondly, I believe the level of vandalism at St. Georges Park In Warley around the cafeteria area is no where near as bad as ours. It could be that a daily presence of someone running the cafeteria would have deterrent effect.
"I see the future development of Bishops Hall as an absolute priority to ensure it remains."
The motions read:
"This Council resolves to reinstate the CCTV camera in Bishops Hall Park to cover the new play equipment recently installed and the Bishops Hall Community Centre that is suffering a recent outbreak of severe vandalism."
"This Council resolves to set up a Sub-Committee or Task and Finish Group to discuss the possibility of opening Bishops Hall Community Centre during the day to the public for a cafeteria and toilet facility, along the same lines as King George's Park."