Lib Dems welcome Town Hall progress

Lib Dem leader Cllr David Kendall is very encouraged by the progress made to date by the cross party Town Hall Delivery group on future plans for the Town Hall.
David, who is a member of the Delivery group, played an active role in the meeting held yesterday (9/11/11) with Community groups. Twenty four community groups came to the Town Hall to discuss their needs and to have a look around the building and see what facilities were available. They were given an overview of the progress made on the Town Hall project to date and then took part in a lively question and answer session. Everyone who took part seemed to find it a very positive excercise and definitely one to be repeated.
David said:
"I really enjoyed talking to the Community groups yesterday about their needs and how they would like to make use of the 6000 sq ft of space at the Town Hall. There is a great opportunity to make our Town Hall a vibrant place of ideas and innovation where the Council, community and business can come together and operate alongside each other. Working cross party with my colleagues on the Delivery group I will do all I can to make sure we try and deliver something special for Brentwood".