Liberal Democrat councillors call for action in Brentwood High Street
Liberal Democrat County Councillors David Kendall and Barry Aspinell went on a recent tour of Brentwood High Street (23/5/11) with Mark Redgewell of Essex County Council to discuss and identify the number of unfinished works in the High Street which are making it look an eyesore. They were joined on their fact finding walk by the Conservative Highways Scrutiny Chairman County Cllr Simon Walsh.
The exercise proved very useful as the group were able to identify 18 areas where follow up work was required by the utility companies and the Highways Dept to bring the High Street back up to the original standard. Mr Redgewell is now co-ordinating activity to try and ensure that the various parties involved complete this work as soon as possible.

Speaking about the High Street tour County Cllr David Kendall said "Many Brentwood residents have quite rightly questioned the value of Essex County Council spending £7 million pounds on the High Street improvements. However now the changes have been made we believe it is very important that any work done by the utility companies is not only done in a fast and efficient manner but that any materials dug up are properly replaced with the correct supplies held at the depot. At present this is not happening and residents are being left with a patchwork of tarmac all over the place. Our meeting ensured that the officer was able to properly assess the scale of the problem and take action to try and address it. Cllr Aspinell and I will now be monitoring the situation closely going forward".