Liberal Democrat motions at Ordinary Council

Your Liberal Democrat Councillors will be moving the following motions at tonight's full council meeting:
Cllr Barry Aspinell:
"Brentwood Borough Council resolves to remove Beads Hall Lane from the list of Approved Gypsy Sites".
Cllr David Kendall:
"Brentwood Borough Council notes the valuable work undertaken by voluntary organisations across the Borough. In order to encourage greater involvement by our residents in the voluntary sector, the Council pledges to draw up plans to launch "2011 The Year of the Volunteer" across the Borough.
"Legislation and regulation will increasingly penalise those organisations which do not take bold steps to cut their emissions and become more environmentally sustainable. It is crucial that dependence on oil and other fossil fuels should be reduced if high quality services in the medium and long term are going to continue to be delivered. Local government financial settlements are likely to be very tight over the next few years and cutting energy spending is one way to reduce costs and increase efficiency. Local authorities, as major employers, need to demonstrate leadership at this critical time.
Brentwood Borough Council, therefore, pledges to join the 10:10 Campaign - which seeks to deliver 10% cuts in carbon dioxide during 2010.
If this Council can deliver a 10% cut in our emissions in 2010, we can show we are part of the solution, reap the rewards of low carbon government and set an example to other businesses and organisations".
Cllr Ms Karen Chilvers:
"Brentwood Borough Council will urgently review the procedures in place for notifying residents of planning applications that affect them to ensure that the notices are effective, timely and take account of:
- The potential effect that a planning application will have on properties in the vicinity that surround the property, not just those either side and across the street.
- The differing nature of properties, for instance, that a planning application in a semi-detached property may affect the occupants two doors away more than the one next door.
- Multi-dwelling buildings, where each individual dwelling should be notified".
You can watch tonight's meeting live via webcast on