Liberal Democrats win 16 MEP seats, including two in the East of England

The Liberal Democrats have secured the best ever European Election result in the party's history, returning 16 MEPs and taking second place in vote share.
Having run an unambiguous campaign to stop Brexit the party has made huge gains across the country, which follow the party's best ever gains in English local election results at the start of May.
Responding to the result Liberal Democrat leader Vince Cable said:
"Our clear, honest, unambiguous message has won us our best ever European election result, and pushed Corbyn's Labour into third place.
"We have shown ourselves to be the strongest Remain force in British politics.
"We will always stand up for the people who have put their faith in us, taking this mandate forward to campaign harder than ever to stop Brexit.
"There is a clear lesson for Labour in tonight's results: get off the fence. In trying to please everybody they have pleased nobody.
"With a Tory leadership contest increasing the risk of a "No Deal" Brexit, Britain can no longer tolerate an Opposition which ducks and dives on the biggest issue of the day.
"If you want to see an outward looking Britain, standing tall in the world with our European partners, and offering opportunity to everyone at home, there is no better moment to shape the future of our party and our politics, by joining the Liberal Democrats."