Library consultation protest

Library users joined Lib Dem councillors at Brentwood Library today to protest against the opening hours consultation that gives only two options, both of which are to close on Sundays, and no room for other opinion.

Cllr Karen Chilvers said:
"This consultation is a farce. No usage figures have been provided by Essex County Council in the consultation,it simply looks at population and works out a proposal on hours as a percentage of catchment.
There are even issues with the catchment statistic - they are in bandings that go up 10,000 a time and then in a massive band of 30,000 - 100,000 and Brentwood falls right into the middle of this band - 30,000-100,000 people get 48 hours per week of library usage.
"How can populations of such a varied size (a differential of 70,000 people) be comparable on needs? In my view, there should have been more breaks in these bandings. Due consideration should also have been given to usage and footfall.
"Nor do these statistics (based on 2001 population statistics of 69,000 residents) take account of major new developments, such as Clements Park, Rollason Way or Highwood Hospital.
"A proper consultation should be carried out on this issue, allowing residents to illustrate how often they use the library and on which days."