Lisa Barrett: Why I got into politics

Lib Dem Candidate Lisa Barrett explains how the need for a pedestrian crossing on her son's school run has led to her becoming a candidate for the County Council elections on Thursday 2nd May.
"I'm not a politician - I'm a mum. But, in my opinion, politics, and local government specifically, needs more people like me - not career politicians but people who care about their local community and want to make a difference. That's why I am standing in the place I live.
"For the past two years, I have been working with County Cllr Barry Aspinell to try and get a crossing on Ongar Road and we have worked tirelessly to achieve it (and hopefully it will happen soon)! Some politicians are so wrapped up in their municipal hall bubble that they lose touch with reality, not so Barry who has kept real people and communities as his focus and inspired me to keep fighting for what we need to keep our children safe.
"There is no safe place to cross Ongar Road at the junction of Mores Lane and Ashwells Road to get to Bentley School. Many accidents have occurred here and we need to make it safer - it's not OK for children to take their lives in their hands and run across this busy road on a daily basis.
"After an accident last November I discovered an alarming fact - records were not being kept of "near misses" and, therefore, the three crashes that had been witnessed by children and parents had, officially, never happened. So, I set about campaigning for a debate on the issues - as reported here by the Brentwood Gazette. Sadly, what I found was a tangle of red tape that won't even allow a debate to take place and concerned residents being pushed back by a remote bunch of councillors who don't want their cosy bubble invaded!"
"Well I am determined to change all that - this is why we need to elect people who actually understand the community in which they live by actually asking them what their issues are - not locking themselves away at County Hall and worrying about party politics.
"As County Councillor, I would make sure I am here for my residents - to listen and make things happen that benefit the community.
"But first, I will always be a mum."