London Road: hopes for a slower speed

Vehicle-activated signs aimed at slowing down the traffic in London Road (suggested by Cllr Karen Chilvers at November's Environment Panel), are being put forward for members' consideration at the meeting of the panel on in March.
The signs, which are widely used in boroughs such as Havering, light up as cars drive towards them reminding the driver of the speed limit: in this case, 30mph, although there are very few signs to point this out.
The policy for Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS) is that they should be used in areas where the average speed is 35mph or higher. Around London Road's junction with Hillside Walk, the average speed is almost 40mph and this is the most likely site for a sign.
Cllr Chilvers said:
"The traffic on this road goes much too fast and I feel that this is partly due to the lack of speed signs in the area. As a driver, I feel these signs are extremely effective and people do take notice as they light up on approach, reminding them of the speed limit. I am sure that it would go some considerable way to slowing the traffic down on London Road.
"There have been some serious accidents on this road so I hope the Environment Panel move forward and implement some Vehicle Activated Signs".