"Mind the (Parking) Gap" says Cllr Karen Chilvers

Fearful of a significant time gap in between the adoption of Rollason Way and the introduction of parking restrictions, Brentwood West's Cllr Karen Chilvers has launched petition for local residents to let the council know how they feel.
Cllr Chilvers said:
"Simply, the Conservatives at the Town Hall have voted in more properties than we could cope with here and there are around 0.8 spaces per property. Thankfully we managed to stop the seven storey block in St James Road that would have made matters far worse.
"However, despite my pleas, they are not prepared to have a consultation prior to the road being adopted so there could be a gap between road adoption and parking restrictions leaving the road vulnerable to commuter parking again.
"The aim of the Mind the Gap petition is to impress upon the council how much these restrictions are needed as soon as the road is adopted and not months or years afterwards."
Related Links
- Mind the Parking Gap petition
- Rollason Way news