Mobile Phone Signal in Brentwood station area

Many residents have been in touch about the mobile phone reception in the station area. Officers at the council have done all they are able to do and, in fact, it is entirely due to the mobile phone providers that the reception has gone down. They had almost two years to prepare and failed.
Brentwood West's Cllr Karen Chilvers asked officers to come up with a factsheet so, when your mobile phone provider deny all responsibility, you have the facts, which are:

- Developer of Ewing House served notice on mobile network operators to remove base station from building October 2018 - removal date end June 2020
- Prior notification applications for installation of telecommunications apparatus at Pastoral Way and Coptfold Road submitted by Vodafone/O2 to Brentwood Borough Council December 2019
- Prior notification applications refused January 2020 for reason of unacceptable siting and appearance
- Revised prior notification application for installation of telecommunications apparatus at Coptfold Road by Vodafone/O2 refused June 2020 for reason of unacceptable siting and appearance
- Prior notification application for installation of telecommunications apparatus at Masefield Court by EE/Three refused July 2020 for reason of unacceptable siting and appearance
- Erection of temporary telecommunications equipment by Vodafone, O2, EE, Three to restore signal and not requiring planning permission - no firm timescale provided.
Councillors are being regularly updated and we will keep you informed. A full report, again instigated by Karen, is here.