No to increases

A BUSINESSMAN is hoping to kill off plans to introduce above-inflation parking charges across the borough.
Nigel Clarke, who owns Crown Street hairdressers The Hair Company, is leading a poster campaign in the town centre against the proposed price hike.
He says plans to increase hourly car parking charges from 70p to 80p, and to charge motorists £4 instead of £3 for five hours will make current tough trading conditions worse by putting shoppers off.
If the charges are approved by the Policy Board at the end of February the full daily rate will rise from £8.50 to £10.00.
Nigel said: "Enough is enough. Many of the independent traders in Brentwood also live in the borough and are being hit hard by this stealth tax.
I campaigned against the increase in car parking charges last year when I stood for the borough council and I am astounded that this year we are seeing a further rise.
"Small and medium businesses, especially those who are local and are supporting the local economy in more ways than one, need the assistance of Brentwood Borough Council, not a further increase that will damage local trade and, potentially, put more retailers out of business."