Official: Lib Dem councillors DO "work hard all year round"

A Brentwood Gazette investigation into the casework raised by councillors has shown some pretty impressive statistics for Lib Dem councillors and some very poor results for the borough's Tories.
Casework records reveal that Conservative councillors, on average, have raised 14 cases each over nine months compared to 38 for the Lib Dems.
Brentwood North's Cllr Ross Carter, standing for re-election this year, is second-placed in the poll with 88 cases and all Lib Dem councillors are in the top third. Former councillor Karen Chilvers, who is standing again in Brentwood West in May after losing by ten last year, was recorded as logging 60 cases in just three months.
Recent investigations by the Gazette have also shown that some councillors barely speak at council meetings and some have poor attendance records.
Cllr David Kendall, group leader, said:

"I am so proud to lead a team of councillors who work hard for their residents all year round and this investigation shows how much work my team put into representing their residents, speaking up for them and, clearly, carrying out ward wark all year round."
"We are even stronger now, despite losing one councillor to the Tories, as we are totally united, not carrying any passengers and firmly believe in the principles we were elected on."
"It is nice to finally be recognised for what we do and I am glad that residents are able to have this information to make a judgement call over how they cast their vote on 3rd May 2012."
"We will be out as usual, knocking on doors to find out what residents are concerned about and taking action to help them wherever we can."