One hour car parking set to return to Brentwood

Brentwood's opposition parties were united last night in their successful campaign to get an hour's car parking charge returned. Last year, the charges were changed so it was either 30 minutes or two hours - a move unpopular with residents and businesses.
A Lib Dem petition followed a move by Brentwood First, again supported amongst opposition members, to return the hour charge. This was voted down by the Tory administration some months ago, with one remarking that "not many residents were bothered about it".
Cllr Karen Chilvers, who set up the petition, said:
"We decided that we would set up a petition to demonstrate that residents were "bothered" and in a short space of time we got 140 signatures. Special mention must go to the members of Curves - a ladies only exercise club in Brentwood - who need an hour stay to complete their half hour circuit at their club and return to their cars."
The petition was presented on 10th July and debated last night. The vote to return the hour parking was recorded as follows:
FOR: Clark (Lib Dem), Clarke (Brentwood First), Davies (Lib Dem, Le Surf (Labour)
AGAINST: Naylor, Parker, Pound (all Conservative)
ABSTAIN: Golding, Murphy, Russell (all Conservative)

Cllr Graeme Clark, Deputy Leader of Brentwood Lib Dems, said:
"I am proud of my team and the opposition as a whole for not giving up on this issue and fighting on for months to get the result needed for Brentwood.
"However, although this should now go through without further delay, I am concerned that the Tories will try to do everything to stop it - especially with Cllr Keith Parker telling me he would set the charge so high that no-one would pay it. This sort of behaviour is not in the best interests of Brentwood residents and I hope they just introduce the previous charge back to Brentwood for the good of residents and businesses."