Opinion: A Brentwood resident explains why people should vote for the Liberal Democrats on 23 May...

In May 2016 the British people were given an over-simplistic vote - to stay or leave the European Union (EU). It split the country almost exactly in half and we are still very divided - and the two main political parties at Westminster in England are ignoring their voters and fighting internally. They appear to be more interested in their own careers rather than providing leadership and direction to the country.
If people had been posed the question 'do you think the UK's arrangements with the EU need to be changed?' - I think 99% would have said yes. A similar answer would have resulted if the question had been,'do you want to pay less tax, have a better NHS system, improved infrastructure, better air quality'. Unfortunately, without detailing what actions would be taken after such a vote, making realistic progress would be impossible for any government.
The Liberal Democrat approach continues to be not just for the UK to stay inside the EU but to drive real change from within. Voting Liberal Democrat on the 23 May shows that you recognise the one party that has a proper policy on diverse matters at local, national and international level - not just a one item Brexit, UKIP or Change party that does not represent anyone at local council level - nor a divided Conservative or Labour Party.
At the local elections on the 2 May I picked up many comments from dissenting Conservative or Labour Party supporters who do not intend to vote at the European Parliament elections because they do not know what their party now stands for. However I, and all the Liberal Democrat councillors and candidates, received numerous comments from Brentwood residents who recognise the efforts made by our local councillors to represent them. And all our MEP candidates share that commitment to represent their communities.
I hope all Brentwood residents will want their positive views to be heard by voting Liberal Democrat on Thursday 23 May..
Frank Garbutt, Brentwood Resident & Lib Dem Activist