Parents flock to support St Peters School crossing petition

Parents at St Peter's School in South Weald have been busy today supporting the petition to retain the crossing patrol.
Cllr David Kendall has spoken to Headmaster Ian Gunn today and told him that he and the parents had his full support in trying to save the school crossing patrol.
He has also told written to the Cabinet Member Cllr Norman Hume and called on him to urgently review the decision.
Former pupil James Sapwell, borough council candidate for Brentwood North, has also added his support to the petition. He said:
"The response from parents has been fantastic. The cost is small in relation to the county council's budget; removal achieves nothing and destroys a lot. We see so much speeding on Weald Road and Wigley Bush Lane. I would urge anyone concerned to sign the petition and support the campaign".