Park Road decision celebrated

Brentwood North's Lib Deb Team are celebrating the decision last night to reject a second application for the green space to the rear of 89 - 93 Park Road. This follows a previous rejection by Brentwood Council, upheld at appeal.
Brentwood North's Lib Dem candidate Phil Mynott attended the meeting to show his support for residents and was delighted by the result.
Lib Dem Ward Cllr Ross Carter, who referred the application for further debate, said:
"I am really encouraged that the committee made the decision to support my referral. I live near to the site and it's value as an enhancing feature of the area is evident to all who live in the area.
"I sought to champion three main points at committee:
- the plans did not blend with the traditional style of dwelling currently seen on Park Road and Mayfield Gardens
- traffic movements generated by access out on to a hill with poor sight lines and single file traffic opposite Roding flats would create a serious hazard
- the relief this green space gives to the town centre needs to be recognised".
A number of concerns regarding the proximity of the development to a conservatory, which was not on the plans, and potential overlooking were also raised.