People Power Brings U-Turn on Library Closures

The Liberal Democrat councillors at Essex County Council welcome the Conservative U-turn on the closure of libraries in Essex and the guarantee that all 74 libraries will remain open.
The Lib Dems believe this victory is down to the local residents and interest groups across Essex campaigning to keep the libraries open.
60,000 residents expressed their anger by signing petitions and 22,000 responded to the consultation.
The Lib Dems will be pushing for more information, for example the overall cost of the libraries consultation, to be made public.
Cllr Anne Turrell, Deputy Leader of the Lib Dem Group and Cllr David Kendall, member of the Place Services and Economic Growth Policy and Scrutiny Committee assured residents that they will be looking at the fine detail of the Conservative library proposals, including clarity concerning the cuts and opening hours, at next week's Place Services and Economic Growth Policy and Scrutiny Committee.