Pilgrims Hatch in the Dark

A dark shadow has fallen over an area of the A128 in Pilgrims Hatch adjacent to the garden centre and Larchwood gardens as four street lamps and a traffic island have been out of action for ten days.
Concerned residents who had called the council a week ago were assured the matter would be attended to as a matter of urgency however the lights remain out.
Cllr Vicky Davies has contacted highway officers very concerned about the dangers presented to both motorists and pedestrians when attempting to cross the dangerous stretch of unlit road. She has been assured the work required to restore the lighting has been assessed and will be carried out by the electricity company
The big question is when, as they are unable to give a date!
Cllr Vicky Davies states " It is unacceptable that this situation is dragging on putting lives at risk and the Brentwood council should ensure the electricity company deal with this failure of service as a matter of urgency. I begin to wonder if the delay is an attempt to save on their electric bill?"