Play area demanded after planning permission disappointment

Cllr Karen Chilvers, Brentwood West, has demanded that developers provide an on-site children's play area in Rollason Way after another 53 properties were approved as part of The Base development, taking the number of properties to over 400.
Liberal Democrat councillors put up fierce opposition to the additional development, citing over-crowding, over-development and lack of supporting infrastructure as their reasons for doing so. Sadly, it was voted through by the Conservative majority.
The developers had agreed to provide some money to invest in local play areas, but the nearest play area is a good fifteen minutes walk away.
Cllr Chilvers said:
"Once it became clear that we were going to lose the battle to prevent even more properties in Rollason Way I felt that the best thing to do was to try and get some much needed facilities there instead.
"It is not good enough just to provide money for a play area that is some considerable distance away, especially when there are so many families with young children on the estate. Currently, their choice is to play in the road or the car park and that's not on.
"I have asked for a play area to be included in the new part of the development around the oak tree areas, as well as some investment in planting the Cromwell Road Play area that has recently, and rather unfortunately, been cancelled.
"I am delighted to see this reflected in the minutes of the meeting and that officers are actively negotiating to make this happen."