Pothole news - Lib Dem action sees.....action

Cllr David Kendall is pleased to share some news regarding potholes in Brentwood, following his appeals to county officers;
Brentwood High Street
I can advise that we are currently undertaking footpath remedial works in Brentwood High Street. The works are being arranged in 'phases' and the first phase commenced on 30 January 2014.
This scope of the first phase is the footway north of the carriageway, broadly from Wilson's Corner in a westerly direction to a point approximately halfway down the High Street. The works involve re-setting of any unstable slabs and replacement of any broken slabs. The second 'phase' is currently in the process of being arranged and will 'follow on' from phase 1. Works will continue until the entire High Street footpath as been assessed and any defects resolved.
There are also other small 'footpath slab' works elsewhere within the programme and it may be necessary for the gang to move between the High Street works and these other smaller works to ensure that our commitments with regard to all these works are met.
I can confirm the area outside the Pound Shop have had temporary repairs undertaken on 24 January 2014.
The Avenue
I can advise that carriageway patching was due to take place along The Avenue in early February. However, when the gang arrived at the site the area was too wet to be able to lay any material. I have spoken to the Engineering Team and they have informed me they will re-programme the works as soon as practically possible.
Additionally, county officers have confirmed that the potholes in Kings Chase will be repaired after it was mistakenly claimed that they already had been.