Potholes: a councillor's view

Cllr Liz Cohen, Shenfield, talks about potholes:
"After driving between the Ingatestone and Shenfield Junction heading towards Brentwood every day, like me you will start to wonder who actually looks after our roads. It is also getting embarrasing for us hardworking councillors as people think we aren't doing anything about it."
"How can a lane be left to deteriorate in such a way that you now can't drive on the inside lane? After numerous reports to the County by myself, finally I notice yesterday that they have put a speed restriction sign up over this section due to safety reasons.
"What I want to know if, how long will we will have to wait for this to be fixed. After asking this question I was told as these are not pot holes, but a road that needs resurfacing there may not be enough money in the budget this year. Not good enough - If they have put up a safety sign then it is a safety issue!"
"Plus, we know there are millions in reserves. They say they will spend £17.5M for the next two years but this is for the entire county - that will whittle down to about £1M in Brentwood and it's doubtful if this will even cover all our current potholes and pavements."
"There was also another accident at the end of Worrin Road this week and having reported this same massive pot hole FOUR times,along with other residents, spray paint has appeared around the perimeter of the pot hole. Does this mean it is going to be done, and if yes when?
"How many more accidents will have to happen before they fix the hole."

"Forget the spray paint get the tarmac down here urgently.