Question Us!

Did you know you can ask questions of councillors at full council?
Mayor of Brentwood, Cllr Vicky Davies, says:
"I welcome residents questions at Full Council as we are an open and democratic council."
How it works:
Fifteen minutes are set aside at ordinary council, shortly after the start of the meeting, to answer questions from the public. Meetings start at 7pm, in the Council Chamber.
How does it work?
- Any resident in the Borough of Brentwood may put any question relating to Council business to any Councillor. No one may ask more than two questions in any one meeting.
- Questions must be addressed to the Mayor and sent or delivered to Town Hall, Ingrave Road, Brentwood, Essex CM15 8AY or you can complete this form. Receipt of questions will be acknowledged.
- Questions can be submitted from two weeks before the Council meeting and up to 4.30pm on the Friday before the meeting.
- The Mayor may disallow any question which is scurrilous, vexatious, improper, irrelevant, or otherwise objectionable. If a question is disallowed the questioner will be notified of the reason. Questions are not allowed which require the disclosure of exempt or confidential information under the Local Government Act 1972 e.g. personal information about a tenant. Questioners are expected to put their question directly to the relevant Councillor at the meeting. Failure to attend will mean the question won't be asked. There will be no discussion of the question or answer and Councillors may decline to answer a question.
- Answers will be given orally or, if there has been insufficient time to prepare an answer, a written reply will be sent to the questioner. If time for public question time expires, outstanding questions will be answered in writing.
Ordinary council meetings will be held on:
- 22nd October 2014
- 10th December 2014
- 4th February 2015
- 4th March 2015