Recycling Survey Update

Let's talk about this consultation, shall we? First of all, a history lesson.
Essex County Council introduced a policy of residents having to book to use the Recycling Centres in the Borough of Brentwood and across Essex in March 2023.
Since then, our Councillors have reported a continued escalation in fly-tipping. Many of you have told us about it.
What did you tell us? You told us many residents had been turned away from your Recycling Centres if they needed to make an appointment.
You told us you could only book appointments on a different day.
You told us there have been limited options for multiple trips.
Why does this matter? Brentwood Borough Council is financially responsible for clearing fly-tips on public land.
So more fly-tips means we spend more money cleaning them up, affecting the Council's bottom line.
What do we think? Well, the Joint Administration passed a motion at July's Council meeting.
We asked the Cabinet Member for Waste Reduction and Recycling to reverse the decision that forces residents to book appointments when visiting Recycling Centres.
We asked Brentwood Council staff to write to Essex expressing the Council's opposition to the "booking" policy and or an urgent meeting between the Chair of the Clean & Green Committee and the Cabinet Member to discuss our concerns.
And we've asked our Audit and Scrutiny Committee to investigate the matter. We're waiting for answers. We'll respond to this consultation, and you should, too.