Resident Surgery in Brentwood North

Liberal Democrat Councillors representing Brentwood North Ward will be holding an open surgery for their residents on Saturday 22nd October.
Borough Councillors James Sapwell, Philip Mynott and Ross Carter, and Essex County Councillor Barry Aspinell will be on hand to discuss local issues with their residents at St Georges Church, Ongar Road between 10.30am and 1pm.
Cllr Ross Carter said:
"We are very grateful to Father Jenkins and St Georges Church for allowing us to hold a surgery. There is no need to book and residents are welcome to just drop in and see us. We are always looking for ways to improve our service to residents, and this is a great opportunity for us to meet some of you who we have missed through door knocking and for our residents to access their councillors directly and discuss any concerns or ideas for our area".