Residents' delight as flats plan thrown out

PLANS to build flats in one of the most overcrowded areas of Brentwood have been thrown out.
Developer Taylor Wimpey wanted to build 71 flats on a green patch next to St James Road and Station Approach, even though permission has been granted for more than 400 flats in the area already.
But Brentwood Borough Council's planning committee rejected the plans for the seven-storey block with 40 parking spaces when members met last week.
It follows much protest from residents and councillors who have raised a series of concerns.
These included a worsening parking problem, overcrowding, overlooking and over-development of the area.
Lib Dem ward member, Cllr Karen Chilvers, said: "I am delighted that the planning committee voted very strongly against this development which would have brought chaos to the St James Road and Rollason Way area.
"It is a common sense victory for those who live in and around the area and are fed up with the over-development of this site.
"I am especially delighted as residents worked so hard to get this refused.
"They signed petitions, wrote letters, wrote to the press, talked about it on the radio, told their neighbours, put signs up in their windows and generally made a huge fuss so they were listened to."