Residents face new parking stealth tax

Conservative plans to introduce new car parking charges in Brentwood were roundly criticised by Liberal Democrat councillors David Kendall and Karen Chilvers at last night's Highways Panel meeting (31/3). The new proposals included:
- Introduction of Weekend Car parking Charges at the Town Hall car park
- £520 per year charge for overnight parking in the Coptfold Road Multi Storey Car Park
- £360 per year charge for overnight and weekend parking at the Westbury Road Car Park
These proposals follow hot on the heels of increases of up to 33% on car parking charges in some of the borough's car parks which were pushed through by the Tories at their budget setting meeting last month. Cllr Kendall said:
"This is the wrong time to be introducing these car parking charges when so many residents and businesses are really suffering with their financial situation.
"The free parking in the Town Hall car parks attracted shoppers to the town and gave a boost to the local economy. To start charging now will be another kick in the teeth to many local retailers and businesses.
"We are also very concerned about how much residents are going to have to pay to use the car parks at night. In our view any charge should simply be sufficient to cover costs it should not be used as a money making scheme. The Council is already facing falling sales of day time parking permits so it will be interesting to see how many residents are willing to stump up £520 per year to park at night".