Residents welcome Lib Dem action on Car Parking Charges

Residents from Brentwood and beyond enthusiastically welcomed the direct action taken by the Liberal Democrat team today, as hundreds of residents signed our petition against the introduction of Town Hall Car Parking charges and increases in the cost of parking in Brentwood.
The team, including all the County Council Candidates spent the morning at the Town Centre Car Park to find residents outraged about this stealth tax.
Cllr Barry Aspinell, Deputy Leader and Brentwood North Division candidate, said:
"Residents are seriously unhappy with this constant assault on their wallets. Not only have parking charges increased by as much as 33% in the existing car parks, now they will have to pay for the privilege of parking in the Town Hall too."
Cllr David Kendall, Leader and Brentwood South Division candidate, said:
"We were here at 8.30am this morning and our four cars almost doubled the number in the car park but their new leader has claimed that it is full of workers by 8.30am and shoppers don't get to park here. That's clearly inaccurate.

"We will be presenting this petition to the new Leader of Brentwood Council and I hope she will listen."
To sign the petition, follow this link: