Review of Brook Street roundabout signage requested

Brentwood West Liberal Democrat Cllr Karen Chilvers has asked for a review of the signage at Brook Street roundabout in a bid to make the junction safer.
The roundabout is renowned by many residents for lane confusion when coming home to Brentwood. Cllr Chilvers explains:
"A number of residents have raised this with me recently so I feel it is my responsibility to ask for the signage and markings to be looked at by The Highways Agency to ensure accuracy and safety at this busy junction.
"The issue is that when you come back under the M25 from Dartford or Romford the signage puts you in the right hand lane and you have to cut across two lanes of traffic to get back on to Brook Street.
"Locals often get into the "wrong" lane to make sure they are in the right position to get home but then they meet others who don't know with all sorts of lane swapping ensuing. Many feel it would be better to direct Brentwood-bound drivers into the middle lane under the roundabout.
"I have been pushed into the wrong junction, thankfully without incident, due to this problem and ended up on a detour around the outskirts of Brentwood, so fully understand the issues that have been raised with me by a lot of residents including a concerned driving instructor and someone who has, unfortunately, had an accident there."
Cllr Chilvers has written to her contacts at the Highways Agency, who she is also working with on the noise problems on the Homesteads Estate, with a formal request for a review of the signage and markings by expert officers.