Safety concerns over Christmas lights switch on

Serious concerns over safety of residents have led to the Liberal Democrats voting against the plan for this year's "Lighting Up Brentwood" event as the road will not be closed during the event. Tory plans to move the event to Thursday evening from a Saturday have also contributed to this decision.
Cllr David Kendall said:

"I am no Ebenezer Scrooge and we are certainly not saying that we want to cancel Christmas, but we could not support this plan.
"As usual, the Tories have demonstrated a lack of preparation. I was responsible for this event for eight years and know that it takes a long time to get it organised. I am disappointed that no sponsorship has been secured to enable the council to cover the cost of closing the road for the event.
"I also feel that this will change the event as a weekend event obviously meant that more families can attend. A later and weekday event will make it tricky for those who work, the elderly and very young children to attend."
"For all these reasons, but especially due to the fears of my group and I have over safety, we reluctantly voted against the plans."