School Bus chaperones "must remain"

Lib Dem councillors and residents have reacted with anger at the news that chaperones are to be removed from school buses in Brentwood by Essex county council's Tory administration.
County Cllr David Kendall said:
"We totally are opposed to escorts being removed from school buses.
"The main problem in this area appears to be the Imperial Bus which goes between Warley and St Helens in Sawyers Hall Lane. At present 60 children aged between 4-11 years use this bus on a daily basis and have a driver and two escorts.
"It is proposed to remove the two escorts in April and leave the driver to manage the whole operation. Local parents are up in arms about it and I have had several e-mails from angry parents already.
"What really annoys them is that they contribute towards the cost of the bus already and took the action to get a bus to try and help alleviate the parking chaos in Sawyers Hall Lane.
Cllr Kendall has emailed Cllr Stephen Castle, portfolio holder, the Education Department and Chief Executive Joanna Killian about this issue and asked for them to reverse the decision.
Residents who are concerned should email and make their view known.