Shenfield: Chelmsford Road update

Update from Cllr Andy Fryd
Since my election in May I have received many requests from residents to try to do something about the dangerous car parking situation from the traffic lights down towards the Rose, both sides of the road. As I drive around Shenfield I constantly see accidents waiting to happen with irresponsible and dangerous parking by, I can only assume, commuters who have found a space not enforced to leave their vehicles all day.
Working with our County Councillor, Barry Aspinell, we have presented to County Highways and the South Essex Parking Partnership a demand for prevention and enforcement in this area. A scheme is being drawn up for double yellow lines from the traffic lights to Shenfield School and hopefully this will not take too long to have painted on the road.
Many residents have contacted both Barry and myself to complain about the speed of vehicles in the Chelmsford Road. Essex Police will not consider any
new speed cameras so we have asked for a speed survey for this road on many occasions and unfortunately the speeds recorded do not warrant, we are told,
intervention by the Police.
We, like you, are concerned by this response and will be pursuing the Police, yet again, asking for speed watch events to take place. This involves volunteers, trained by the Police with a speed watch camera that will record speeds and number plates and the offending vehicle owners will receive a letter from the Police and if there are repeat offenders they will be fined.
We have also received requests from concerned parents trying to cross the Chelmsford and Shenfield roads safely. Barry has requested County Highways for a Pelican Crossing in the Shenfield Road around the Nuffield Hospital area. Eighteen months ago County Highways turned down a request for a Pelican Crossing by Shenfield School and the Rose vicinity.
In the latest round of the Local Development Plan, our Conservative-run council has highlighted sites in Shenfield for over 1,000 new homes. Eight hundred of these are planned for the Chelmsford Road. Whilst we would agree there is an opportunity here for a reasonable amount of new dwellings we believe that 800 is
over the top, plus we would lose our beautiful green field entrance from the A12 into Shenfield, transforming it into an urban strip. The Liberal Democrats have always stated they would negotiate with developers for a reasonable amount of housing in this area as long as there was a sufficient amount of community gain for existing and new residents.
This would include preserving the land behind the houses in Chelmsford Road almost from Mountnessing roundabout to Hall Lane as a Country Park, in addition to providing much needed additional health centres and road safety measures,
Please feel free to contact us with any queries on the above,