Shock over Pickles' £580K salary for his finance chief

News has emerged today that Brentwood & Ongar MP, Eric Pickles, has paid his interim finance chief £580,000 for 16 months work - £36,000 per month.
Cllr David Kendall, Lib Dem Leader who came second to Eric at the General Election in 2010 said:
"I am shocked and horrified to hear this news coming at a time when many people are struggling to pay their bills and keep their heads above the water.
"It is totally unacceptable - no one is worth paying that amount of money.
"He should be called to account to explain his actions to the residents of Brentwood & Ongar he represents. In the past Eric Pickles has been very quick to lambast councils for the way they spend their money but this latest revelation would suggest he needs to get his own house in order before challenging others".
This is not the first time that Brentwood's Conservatives have authorised the payment of huge sums to interim finance staff and it is still going on now at Brentwood Council.