Slow action from Essex Council on busy roundabout

A mini-roundabout at a busy junction in Brentwood has disappeared and, yet, Essex County Council are dragging their feet on repairing and repainting it.
Despite County Cllr David Kendall impressing the urgency of the matter, and the Brentwood North councillors also trying to get some action, in the latest email we are no further towards action being taken. An email, in response to Cllr Kendall's latest enquiry from 4th June, in which he asked "Please could I have an urgent update on when the mini roundabout is going to be reinstated at the junction of WealdRoad / Western Road in Brentwood? The roundabout that was there has now completely dissapeared and the junction is now becoming dangerous. Please could I have a date when the work will be done." elicited this response:
"I can advise that due to the size of the works required, this request is currently with our Commercial Team for target costing, to ensure value for money. We are expecting this to be completed on 21 June 2013 at which point works will be scheduled into our programme."
We will continue to chase this up on behalf of residents.