SNOW: "Worst fears confirmed" - Cllr Kendall demands answers from Tory-controlled Essex Council

Cllr David Kendall has written to Cllr Norman Hume, Portfolio Holder for Highways at Essex County Council, about the salt bag situation in Brentwood. You can read his email here:
"Dear Norman
"At the last Brentwood Highways Panel meeting on November 9th I expressed my concerns once again regarding the County's policy on Salt bins and the proposed new Salt bags. These last few days in Brentwood have seen my worst fears confirmed as many residents particularly the elderly have been marooned in Brentwood side roads that have any sort of hill or a slight incline. There appear to be very few salt bins left in Brentwood town centre and to the best of my knowledge we haven't had any salt bags delivered at all. Brentwood town centre has no Town Council and we have very few Residents Associations. Consequently residents in the side roads have been left to totally fend for themselves.
"In my own road, which is a hill, many people including me have been unable to go to work for two days. I phoned up the West Area Office again today and asked for a Salt bag to be delivered to my drive and said I would organise residents to make sure it was distributed properly. The lady I spoke to said they couldn't get a bag to me until next Wednesday. I relayed this news onto my angry and frustrated neighbours and this afternoon five of us dug our way out using pick axes and shovels. One residents went to Wickes and bought some salt at £8 a bag. Wickes told him they had sold £1500 worth of salt TODAY. Residents have told me how angry they are that they are having to pay for the salt when it should be provided by the Council.
"There must be a full and urgent review into the distribution of Salt Bags/Bins in the urban areas of Brentwood as residents shouldn't have to put up with this nonsense again. I look forward to your response.
"Regards, David"