Speeding surveys

Following requests brought to him by candidates Sarah Cloke (Brentwood West) and Jay Laplain (Warley) as they knock on doors around their respective wards, Cllr David Kendall has requested speed surveys for the following roads:
- Honeypot Lane
- London Road
- Warley Hill
- Woodman Road
David said:
"Sarah, Jay and I want these roads to be assessed for the safety and wellbeing of everyone that lives in or around the area. e have seen too many accidents and near misses over the years and I will do all I can to improve safety.
"In addition, I have applied to the Local Highways Panel for junction lining at the junction of Osborne Heights and Pastoral Way and am following up on all the potholes in the speed humps in Vaughan Williams Way."
The management of our highways is down to Conservative-controlled Essex County Council who set the criteria for repair.