Statement: Brentwood Centre Closure

Yesterday's sudden closure of the Brentwood Centre has alarmed residents but the Liberal Democrat group have been warning of problems for many years. If the Conservatives running Brentwood Borough Council (BBC) had listened, the abrupt halt may have been avoided.
The Brentwood Centre Leisure Trust has, for many years, been operating in deficit despite receiving financial support from BBC to manage the town's leisure facility and halls
At the request of CEO and the trustees, additional financial support has been given each year as it constantly operated at a loss
Cllr Vicky Davies, main opposition member of the council's leisure strategy group, has for four years raised concerns and requested the Tories undertake a full appraisal of the centre's facilities, management and structure with a view to modernisation and financial viabiity, This has fallen in deaf ears.
Matters came to a head when the auditors advised it would be illegal for BBC to give more money to support this failing organisation.
We understand the centre will reopen in a few days under temporary management.