Statement: Sawyers Hall Lane new school proposal

County Cllr Barry Aspinell has issued the following statement following twitter rumours from concerned residents about another school in Sawyers Hall Lane, Brentwood North:
"Following calls from concerned Brentwood North residents I have asked at County Hall about the rumours of an additional school.
"I am astonished to find that the rumours have some truth to them. It has transpired that officers have applied for central government funding for additional primary school places in brentwood without talking to or consulting me as the county councillor for the area.
"This lack of consultation has been blamed on "Easter" and "purdah" which ended on 3rd April and 3rd May respectively and yet, it has taken questions from me on 17th June for them to highlight this situation to me."
"Those actions are deplorable and will be questioned most vigorously, as will the cabinet member for education on why elected representatives were not informed.
"I will release more information as soon as I have it."
"I would like to thank those good residents of Brentwood North who alerted their councillors to the issue and allowed us to do our jobs."
"Let's keep that community spirit up and work together."