The Brentwood Accord: A new dawn for our borough

This historic document was signed on Saturday 24th May at Brentwood Town Hall, giving the Liberal Democrats, Brentwood First, Labour and the Independent member the opportunity to form a new administration after ending the 2014 borough elections with more councillors than the Conservatives.
The agreed principles are outlined below:
The Brentwood Accord
The paramount objective of the Accord is to restore the reputation of the Council and regain the respect, trust and faith of residents and business. This will be reflected in all policies.
• The four political groups will remain as separate entities
• All matters will be debated within individual groups to ensure a consensus of opinion
• Councillors will consistently work on an issue by issue basis for Brentwood's best

• There will be complete openness and transparency
• Councillors will have freedom of speech
• A proactive approach to public engagement at every level will be maintained
• A social conscience will be upheld across the spectrum to ensure the empowerment of
residents, especially those who are vulnerable
1) To undertake a comprehensive audit of the entire Council
2) To undertake a complete review of the Constitution to ensure a return to absolute democracy
3) To propose a revised budget within one hundred days of Annual Council
4) To commence the process of changing to whole -council elections with effect from 2016
5) To work towards restoring staff morale and mutual respect amongst all.