The tale of the Pilgrims Hatch Bollards
Again, action by Liberal Democrat councillors has shamed Tory-controlled Essex County Council in to repairing something in Brentwood.
In January, Cllr Vicky Davies reported this bollard in Clarence Road:

Despite repeated requests, in March 2013 it had still not been repaired:

On 8th April, Essex County Council said:
"Following a recent inspection and robust risk assessment, the bollard you refer to has been assessed as not requiring immediate remedial work and will be monitored routinely for any deterioration."
Liberal Democrat County Councillors immediately took this up and demanded the decision was reversed and, finally, last week it was repaired:

Cllr Davies said:
"I cannot believe that the inspector thought this did not need repair - it was dangerous and unsightly. What are we all paying our council tax for when the Tories continue to get their priorities so wrong?"