Time to recognise work of the Dyers

I would like to express my gratitude to Roy and Carol Dyer for the tireless work they have undertaken over the years in organising one of the finest firework displays in the county.
It was saddening that this year's event was not blessed with good weather and that Roy and Carol's efforts were unable to be appreciated by the thousands of people, both inside and outside of the borough who would normally attend this increasingly popular event.
Little did we know, 20-odd years ago, when my friend, Chris Dale (former leader of Brentwood Borough Council) and I (as his deputy) sat down to discuss the appointment of an outside events organiser, that the same team would still be in place these many years later.
We knew much of Roy and Carol's reputation of hard work and dedication and our decision to engage them those many years ago has been justified time and time again.
Those of us that have attended the fireworks displays over the years will never forget the Sinking of the Titanic and the battles of Star Wars that were carried out in magnificent colour, noise and accompanied by the smell of gunpowder, much to the enthralment of children, and adults alike.
Roy and Carol have proven over and over again that their professionalism, and expertise, can deliver an event which has been enjoyed by so many people, and has inspired that much-needed community spirit in our town. These efforts have frequently lacked the recognition that they deserve.
While we are saddened that Roy and Carol will no longer be organising the firework display at the Brentwood Centre, we would like to wish good luck to those who are going to take this mantle on as it will be a phenomenally hard act to follow.
Along with their continuing organisation of the borough's summer Strawberry Fayre event, and the activities of the Essex Dog Display team, Roy and Carol have also been responsible for the organisation of the lighting up of our town's Christmas festivities.
Something which may not be widely known is that many local charities have benefited from the donation of tens of thousands of pounds which have been raised from these events.
Now would be an appropriate time to acknowledge and recognise the efforts that these two wonderful people and their team have given to our community and we look forward to the many future contributions we know they are so aptly qualified to deliver.
Roy and Carol, 'thank you', and we wait in anticipation for the events you have planned for the future.
Cllr Barry Aspinell & Chris Dale